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St Barnabas celebrates centenary

St Barnabas Church in Ngongotahā celebrated its Centenary on 16 June. Initially a combination of churches developed a co-operative spiritual basis for the building on School Road which was consecrated on 16 June 1924. With an increasing population and diversity of spiritual beliefs, this building was finally consecrated as St Barnabas Anglican Church in 1937. It has been an LSM church for over 25 years.

The church has grown and changed with the times and is the home of several superb stained-glass windows - one above the sanctuary acknowledging the land heritage and use in Ngongotahā, another, originally at St Peter’s in Mamaku, was moved to St Barnabas and re-erected in the early 2000s. This gorgeous window commemorates those of Mamaku who lost their lives in Word War 2; the third, installed recently, was donated by the family of long-time devoted parishioner Ynys Fraser and was taken from a painting by her father Dr S. Wallis.

Celebrations started with Bishop Andrew joining St Barnabas for our patronal festival on 9 June, where he cut the first centenary cake.

A dinner was held on 15th, followed on the 16th by a joyful and thankful service in which all four current priests took part. The congregation were each given a hand cross, made by one of the parishioners. Then the celebrations were topped off by a sumptuous morning tea, including a cake made by a former parishioner depicting the latest stained-glass windows – a lovely finale to an amazing celebration!

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