Breaking bread has always been part of the life of the church, but what about shaping it by hand and cooking it in a pizza oven. Holy Pizza all around at Holy Trinity Tauranga,
We have mostly moved beyond a time of 'build it and they will come'. But discount the power of pizza to your peril.
After a solid effort to build and establish a pizza oven at Holy Trinity in Tauranga, the first real use of its warm red glow was during the evening cafe service, at which around 55 people gathered and shared in the experience. With the Reverend Brian Hamilton among those attending, it was not long before the bread they had shaped with their hands and baked with fire they started took on new life through a simple communion service. Together breaking the bread to share in the broken bread of life, a beautiful moment in the life of many.
The pizza oven and the opportunity to share the bread together was an initiative developed alongside Carl Tinnion, our Diocesan Mission Rejuvenator. If you would like to learn more about this project, or talk with Carl about something you are 'cooking' up in your community, contact him at
