In its 45th year in New Zealand Education for Ministry (EfM) is delighted to be making its four year course for lay people available online.
EFM is a four year ecumenical programme. It’s open to any adult willing to commit to study from a Christian perspective, regardless of educational level or denomination.
Students commit to ONE year at a time.
Year 1 students study the Hebrew Bible
Year 2 students study the New Testament
Year 3 students focus on Church History (including a Unit on The Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
Year 4 students focus on Theology, Ethics, and Inter-faith Encounter
New groups (consisting of 6-10 students and a trained Mentor) can start in any month of the year.
2024 fees ($300.00) include the Reading & Reflection Guide which focuses on the appropriate theme for the year. In addition students are expected to purchase their own textbooks for each year (currently less than $200/year and less than $100 for some years)
Students enrol annually and commit to only one year of study at a time. There are no assessments, as individuals are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. Students agree to attend (as faithfully as possible) a weekly ~2 hour seminar meeting, and to read the assigned text prior to each meeting, participate in discussions and to share in leading worship.
A ZOOM TASTER EFM EVENING will happen on Wednesday 17th January, 7:30pm NZDT – please register for this.