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The Year Ahead for Bishop Andrew

Updated: Feb 5

A rest over summer, and planning ahead for 2025

It was good to be return to the office last week after a month’s rest over the summer break. It has been a while since I’d taken most of January off and it was a welcome break this year. The summer break has provided me some time to rest and prepare for this year, and to enjoy taking time to get stuck into a few creative projects at home. I’m looking forward to the continued development of our work on the implementation of the strategic plan this year. The Bishop’s Leadership Team met last week to catch up on work from over the January period and to keep our plans on track for the next three months. Things are tracking as expected and we look forward to making some more announcements soon.


Later this year I will be taking up the opportunity for sabbatical. Bishops in our church are granted a sabbatical of three months every five years, something for which I am very grateful. My last plans for sabbatical were interrupted and cancelled after one month of sabbatical serving in Samoa due to the COVID crisis, so the opportunity for a sabbatical this year feels very welcome. I will take sabbatical over three consecutive months to ensure the most of the time and to be able to arrange it with least disruptions to the Diocesan calendar. I will be on sabbatical during the months of May, June and July with start and end dates to be finalised in the coming weeks. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to explore first hand more of the experience of Resource Churches in the UK, as well as taking the time for some refreshment and the possibility of some pilgrimage as well.


During my sabbatical time the Diocese will be well cared for by the Bishop’s Leadership Team. The Vicar General, the Rev’d Robert Kereopa will also be working closely with Colleen to ensure there is an appropriate response to requests to my office. There will be more details made available closer to the time.


Pilgrimage as formation and education

Last week I spent some time at St John’s College working with members of Te Pīhopatanga on the development of our shared pilgrimage programme. I’m excited to see how this will develop in the coming years on various levels exploring the relationships locally and further afield. Pilgrimage has a long held history as part of our spiritual practices, and I know many of you valued the pilgrimages around Waiapu nearly 20 years ago. We will be building on our shared stories, drawing on our respective matauranga and knowledge, and continuing to build communities of faith where people are confident in their faith and seeing their faith expressed through the concepts of Oranga Ake. There will be more to come on opportunities to share in pilgrimage over the coming years as this programme develops.


Hawke’s Bay Earthquake memorial

Memorials are held each year across Hawke’s Bay on 3 February, or a nearby date, to commemorate the earthquake in 1931 which had a broad and transforming effect on the people and landscape of Hawke’s Bay. On Sunday I was pleased to be with Di, the Dean of our Cathedral, as we hosted the Mayor of Napier City, Her Worship Kirsten Wise, councillors and members of public of Ahuriri/Napier City to the morning service crafted especially for the earthquake memorial. The presence of survivors of the earthquake at these commemorative events are an important link to the events on that day, but also to the remarkable rebuilding of Napier, Hastings and the surrounding communities. As the number of survivors diminishes it’s also important to share in the experiences of survivors handed down through family histories. The Hon Katie Nimon shared stories from her family of relatives who survived the earthquake and continued to work hard to ensure that the Napier Daily Telegraph was able to continuously provide essential information to the people of Napier despite the interruption of the earthquake damage.


Our schools have commenced the academic year over the past week and its been good to see reports of the liveliness of families, students and staff as the new year begins. This week of course includes the commemoration and recognition of Waitangi Day. I’m sure that there are many events in your local communities and I encourage you to go along and get involved in what is happening locally. Waitangi Day offers us all the opportunity to share in learning more about Te Tiriti and taking a moment to reflect on the nature of Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi in our lives. As a church we hold a close connection with Te Tiriti and as Bishops, along with many others in the church, have been closely watching the debate on the Treaty Principles Bill unfold. There are some excellent resources available to help you reach into some of the deep thinking that has been developed from within our church. I recommend the resources from Common Grace Aotearoa …


Anglican Insurance Board

Last year I was appointed to the AIB as a nominee from the House of Bishops. It’s a pleasure to serve on this board alongside two members of Waiapu, Colleen Kaye, and Jonathan Hensman. Colleen brings her experience and insight into the world of insurance from the perspective of her role with the support of the Diocesan Registrars. Jonathan brings his experience from many years of governance and leadership in the Anglican Schools network. Colleen is also chair of the AIB. Another Waiapu connection is Robin Nairn who is patron to the Board following his extensive years of experience in our Church particularly as General Secretary. This week the AIB met in Nelson, so a very full day of travel and meeting to return home by the end of the day, but a good day to be able to share in this work on behalf of our church along with other board members from around Aotearoa and Polynesia.


Request for prayerful and pastoral support

Many of you may know Margie and the Rev’d Tim Delaney, of Dannevirke. When speaking with Tim last week he let me know that Margie’s condition has deteriorated and that she is now being provided palliative care in hospital with the possibility of being able to continue palliative care at home in the near future. Tim has asked for your prayerful support for Margie, Tim and their family during this time. Margie and Tim are being well-supported by clergy colleagues and friends and the parish of Southern Hawke’s Bay.


I wish you all a peaceful week ahead as schools get back into the routine of the term and hopefully we have some pleasant weather ahead to enjoy.

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