Greetings and Peace to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the beginning of this season of preparation be one which draws you closer in your discipleship of Jesus.
I’m writing to you today with several announcements:
Temporary Closure of Holy Trinity Church
As a result of an inspection on the bricks and mortar, and the unstable poses a health and safety risk to the occupants of the Church, I have decided to instruct The Reverend Bronwyn Marchant to temporarily close Holy Trinity Church for a period of time to allow Steve Orme, our Property Manager, to arrange suitable assessment of the extent of damage and provide proposals to Vestry for remediation of the building to a safe state. The temporary closure of the building is to allow this work to take place. This is not a permanent closure. From this week, all services which would normally have been held in Holy Trinity will be moved to be accommodated in the Parish Hall, for the time being.
The Retirement of The Reverend Bronwyn Marchant
I’m writing to advise the retirement of the Rev’d Bronwyn Marchant in April next year. Bronwyn has been your Vicar for the past five years, arriving in the parish not long before the world turned its attention to the COVID pandemic. Since then Bronwyn has steadfastly offered leadership and pastoral care through our response to the pandemic and then more recently since February last year, our response to Cyclone Gabrielle. In that time we have also seen the development of the growing relationship with Te Amorangi o Te Tairawhiti, of which Bronwyn has been an encourager.
Bronwyn will be retiring from parish ministry at the end of April 2025 and we will take the time to mark this with a liturgical farewell around this time. This service will include an invitation to all of the parishes and worshipping communities around Eastland to come together to offer Bronwyn the combined liturgical farewell and blessings into retirement. Details for the service will be provided closer to the time.
I have decided in consultation with Bronwyn to make this announcement ahead of the normal three month notice period so that we can begin to make preparations for thinking about ministry in this parish as we move into 2025. My aspiration for you as a parish is that we can work together toward a model of ministry that reflects the relationship between Waiapu and Tairawhiti, and involves Te Rau Theological College as well. It is my hope that with the benefit of time before Bronwyn’s retirement that we can begin to explore these possibilities as parish, diocese and amorangi in the new year in February and March.
Until then I invite you to offer your prayers for God’s guidance in all these things, prayers of thanksgiving for Bronwyn’s ministry among us, and prayers for the future of our life as the Anglican Church, Te Haahi Mihingare across Eastland.
The Reverend Dr Sue Genner, Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Mount Maunganui
I wish to announce that I have appointed the Rev’d Sue Genner as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Mount Maunganui.
Sue’s appointment will be half-time and will commence today. As Priest-in-Charge, Sue will be responsible for oversight of the Parish on my behalf along with the support of the Parish Wardens and Parish Vestry. I have been encouraged to hear of the development in preaching and support as liturgical assistants among laity in the parish and there will continue to be space for you to participate in preaching and assisting in liturgy. I’m appreciative of the continued support that the Rev’d Marie Gilpin offers in service for the parish as well.
Sue will also Chair the Vestry meetings and support the various ministries that happen in the regular life of the parish. The role of a Priest-in-Charge is to help the parish through the interregnum. I expect that this interregnum will last quite a while as we take time to assess the financial resources of the parish, the aims and goals of the parish and discern the future of ordained ministry in the parish moving forward. That work will mostly take place in the early part of 2025, from late January onwards, after what will hopefully be a refreshing summer break. This will allow us all some time to adjust to look ahead to where God may be leading the parish. Sue will be a valuable support to you as a Parish over these coming months.
In recent time it has been disruptive for parish life and I offer once again my sincere appreciation for all of efforts of the Parish to accommodate the families and staff of the early learning centre.
I invite you to join with me in welcoming Sue to this role in the Parish and supporting the ministry that she will offer on my behalf.
The Reverend Adrienne Bruce, Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Te Puke
I appointed earlier last month the Rev’d Adrienne Bruce as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of Te Puke.
As Priest-in-Charge, Adrienne will be responsible for oversight of the Parish on my behalf along with the support of the Parish Wardens and Parish Vestry. Adrienne will take two Sundays a month on average and she will oversee the roster of services and people, both lay and ordained, who will support the weekly Sunday services, mid-week services, and services at Carter House as well.
Adrienne will also Chair the Vestry meetings and support the various ministries that happen in the regular life of the parish. The role of a Priest-in-Charge is to help the parish through the interregnum. I expect that this interregnum will last quite a while as we take time to assess the financial resources of the parish, the aims and goals of the parish and discern the future of ordained ministry in the parish moving forward. Adrienne has many years of experience in the life of the Diocese and will be a valuable support to the Parish over these coming months.
With prayerful good wishes for you all,
The Rt Rev’d Andrew Hedge
Bishop of Waiapu