Coming in May.... Two fantastic guests, travelling to a place near you - Hawke's Bay May 18 Training Day. Register on before 30 April.
So often in different contexts, we are asked about science and faith, the Bible. How do we respond to climate change as Christians and care for creation? This training is a great way to resource ourselves to answer our family and friends' questions. You don't have to be involved in Messy Church to find this helpful.
Dr Dave Gregory is a Baptist Minister from the UK who is now the Baptist Missioner on Science and the Environment. He is also the editor of Messy Church Does Science and co-editor for Messy Adventures plus many other publications. Rev Greg Ross is a Uniting Church Minister in Bunbury and Regional Coordinator for Messy Church in Western Australia and a writer of many articles for Messy Church publications.
Come and be prepared to be surprised as you discover how to share aspects of God's story through science experiments and more. Workshops will help resource your leaders to include projects on Care of Creation, science and the environment, and hope facing disaster.
If you want to get a taste of what Dr Dave will be presenting he has produced a series of videos, combining creation and science called ‘God saw that it was good.’
For more information click on the poster link.
Messy Church National Team Aotearoa New Zealand