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Message from Bishop Andrew Hedge

 Kia ora koutou katoa,


It’s been a busy few weeks for me since I last provided an update for you.


Pilgrimage to Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui

I recently returned from a two-week pilgrimage with members of Te Pihopatanga and the Diocese of Polynesia to visit the Anglican Church of Hong Kong. This pilgrimage was the first of its kind to visit our Anglican family in Hong Kong and was developed as an alternative in response to the conflict in Gaza and in alignment with the development of relationships within our Anglican Communion in Oceania. The pilgrimage encompassed regular daily prayer, reflections and sharing within the pilgrim group. Our visits included parishes, schools, social services, Theological College, transitional housing estates, Early Childhood Centres, all run by the church. We spent time in worship at various Cathedrals across the three dioceses, and time with the Bishops and clergy. It was my first visit to Hong Kong and I was impressed by the ability of a nation to hold together nearly 8 million people in a space that has a land mass smaller than Rakiura/Stewart Island and keep people moving easily in a clean and safe environment. The connections made between members of our pilgrim group and the indigenous people of Hong Kong was fascinating and I can see this relationship developing more for our province. I’ll reflect more on this pilgrimage over the coming weeks but can already see the potential for us to share in future opportunities to build the relationships with this part of the Anglican Communion.


Appointment of Rawhia Te Hau Grant – Kaihautū for Anglican Care Waiapu

You’ll read later in this edition of eNews of WASSTB’s announcement of our new Kaihautū who will step into the role which Jo Morris has been holding as Acting CEO. I’m excited about this appointment and the opportunities that a new leadership role within ACW will bring about for our Diocese. Rawhia will start the role in November this year and I look forward to welcoming Rawhia and her whanau into the Diocese of Waiapu.


Anglican Schools’ Conference

Last week I attended the Anglican Schools’ Conference held in Auckland at Hoani Tapu/St John’s Theological College. It was the first time this conference had been held for several years following interruptions with COVID, changes in leadership in the office and the review work of the Anglican Schools’ Office board. The conference provided an opportunity for school Principals, Chaplains, Board members and Bishops to reconnect and begin to consider the research undertaken over the past year to understand the needs of all of our schools across the whole province. There is much work still to be achieved in reconsidering the shape and function of the Anglican Schools’ Office that will best serve the 20,000 students across all our schools.


Strategic plan update

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a number of elements of background work for the strategic plan which will help us when it comes to putting it into action. This work is taking a little longer than expected due to things outside of my control, but I hope to be able to provide an update soon on the membership of the Interim Oversight Group. In the meantime we continue to plan ahead for Synod this year and as Synod members will have seen we have reduced the timeframe from the original plans to a day and a half meeting as we felt it was the only right thing to do as stewards of resources given that our level of business is low this year. I look forward to being in Gisborne for the Synod this year.


This weekend

I’ll be heading to Gisborne on Friday evening to prepare to spend Saturday with Atipihopa Don at the Synod for Te Amorangi o Te Tairawhiti, and then heading through to Te Puke for the farewell on Sunday afternoon for Rev’d Ruth Dewdney as Ruth prepares to move to Waipaoa Parish near Gisborne.


Have a good week everyone,


Nga mihi,


 The Rt Rev’d Andrew Hedge

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