Theology House in Christchurch have designed a Family Faith Journal. For each Sunday, and other important feast days, there’s a page for families to explore together, with readings chosen from the Revised Common Lectionary which many churches around the world use week by week for the scriptures read in their worship. There’s a set of questions, intended to prompt conversations. (The idea isn’t that the adults have all the answers, it’s to model talking about matters of faith.) As the Family Faith Journal follows the Church Calendar, it picks up the themes of different seasons, with a prayer for each week and an activity to do together.
These are priced at $5 each or $4 each if 10 or more are ordered, or $3.50 for orders of over 25 copies – plus postage and packaging. You can order directly by clicking here - or if you’re in Hawkes Bay and only needing a few copies, order via the Ministry Educator and we’ll get them to you.