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Greetings from Bishop Andrew

Greetings all,


It was good to have a longer break over Labour Weekend, which is extended for Hawke’s Bay as Friday was our local Anniversary Day. I know that many of you will have also enjoyed a longer break even if not over all of the weekend. It seems like the year turns a corner once we reach the beginning of November and our attention shifts towards preparations for Advent.


Over the coming month I’m looking forward to continuing the development of our plans emerging out of the Diocesan Vision. Our strategic working group met yesterday and has made some good progress on next steps which I hope we will be able to share in mid-December after our next two meetings of Standing Committee. This time next week our Standing Committee will be meeting in its new configuration of membership following Synod and I look forward to getting to know this new group and working together. This weekend I’ll be visiting the Parish of Greater Hastings and look forward to joining in the morning service on Sunday for Confirmations.


Over the coming month we will be preparing for our Diocesan ordinations on Saturday 30 November. I invite you to pray for our ordinands, Rev’d Carl Tinnion and Derry Boylan. Over the prior weekend from 22-24 November the Diocese of Dunedin will be holding their Electoral College as they discern a new Diocesan Bishop. Your prayers for the Diocese of Dunedin and all involved, including Bishop Ross who is Commissary for the college would be welcome.


That leads us close to Advent and as you may have seen we have a Diocesan Advent Study which has been made available. I know that many of you look forward to taking some time during Advent to pay attention to the liturgical season of preparation for Christmas. As in many things, attention to preparation for Christmas through the season of Advent heightens our awareness of the joy that we continue to behold in the Christ-child. I encourage you to make use of this study as part of your spiritual reflection and preparations for Christmas.


Finally for this week, on Monday I look forward to welcoming Rawhia Te Hau-Grant to join our Diocese as Kaihautū for Anglican Care Waiapu. We will be gathering at Waiapu Cathedral on Monday morning with members of Rawhia’s whanau, our WASSTB board, ACW staff and members of the Diocese around Hawke’s Bay as we welcome Rawhia. I know that the following three weeks are going to be very full for Rawhia as she settles into the role and is oriented to the Diocese and Anglican Care Waiapu. If you have the opportunity to meet Rawhia as part of her orientation please join with me in making her feel welcome and part of our life in Waiapu.

Rawhia Te Hau-Grant and family

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