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Eco Church Gathering

In October 2024, Synod passed the following motion.

That this Synod:

1. Commits as a Diocese to uphold the care of creation by:


A. Encouraging parishes to register as Eco Churches.

B. Inviting Anglican Communities within the Diocese of Waiapu to complete the self- assessment for Eco Churches during 2025.

C. Encouraging all parishes to observe and support the season of creation in our liturgical life.

D. Encouraging all Anglicans in the Diocese to participate in the work of the Communion Forest.

As we seek to honour the motion passed at Synod the Anglican Parish of Taradale is hosting an Eco Church gathering in Hawkes Bay. This will be a great time to connect with like-minded people, learn together, and explore simple ways to care for creation. There is no cost, but we encourage registration, so we know how many are coming. We encourage you to let others know in your church community and come along to connect with good people and good Kōrero.

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