Building on strong relationships.
On 20th August, Bishop Andrew and Colleen Kaye, the Diocesan Registrar, flew to Papua New Guinea where they spent just under a month in support of three dioceses in that country. The links between Waiapu and Papua New Guinea are very strong, with a history both of missionary expeditions and social and human development projects, and administrative support for the Anglican Church in PNG.
On this trip, Bishop Andrew and Colleen visited three Dioceses; Port Moresby, New Guinea Islands and Popondetta. Here support was offered in good practice and in assisting local leaders to address challenges they may be facing, as well as to encourage and strengthen those ministering in what can be a dangerous place. Alongside this, the team spent some time in the provincial office of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, sharing knowledge and helping to build capacity for the work of the mission and ministry.
This trip was made possible by the generous support of the H & W Williams Memorial Trust, with Caroline Seligman also among the team as a representative of the trust. The H & W Williams Memorial Trust continues to be a key partner in the mission and ministry support we are able to offer in Papua New Guinea.