Strandz (the hub of children and families ministry for Tikanga Pakeha) is offering a series of six conversation for children and families ministry leaders to dip into in February - a great way to start the year and explore a wide range of topics. Each zoom will take 1 hour, and include a short Discipleship Pathway video and a conversation on the theme. Everyone is welcome, and you can register at!
Topics and Times:
Radical hospitality and welcome (Tuesday 11 Feb, 12noon)
Communities created for connection (Weds 12 Feb, 1pm)
Children as theologians (Tuesday 18 Feb, 1pm)
Making space for questions and doubts (Weds 19 Feb, 7.30pm)
Unlocking intergenerational opportunities (Weds 26 Feb, 12noon)
Forming faith in the digital age (Thursday 27 Feb, 7.30pm)
For more information on the resources and ministry with children and families, check out
