E te whanau o te Pihopatanga o Waiapu, tēnā koutou katoa,
Some of you may have seen the recent announcement the Venerable Dr Hirini Kaa has been appointed as the Manukura (Principal) of St John’s Theological College in Auckland. This is an exciting appointment, and we congratulate Hirini and wish him all the very best as he steps into this important role in the life of the Church. In this role, Hirini will lead the delivery of theological education, formation, and ministry development to serve the mission and ministry of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. The role Hirini moves into at the College requires significant time and focus particularly as the College is entering into a review by NZQA this year.
Hirini stepped up to be Chair of Waiapu Anglican Social Services Trust Board (the governance body for Anglican Care Waiapu) following the retirement of John Palairet last year. Hirini will now step down from being Chair and remain a valued member of WASSTB. We are blessed that Hirini will remain on our Board as a member and will continue to provide support and guidance as the Board work on our future strategy and work to see the fulfilment of Oranga Ake o te Ao through our Anglican Care Waiapu services.
At a meeting of WASSTB last Friday I was appointed Chair by the Board with effect from that meeting. I have served as a member of WASSTB since 2014 when I became Bishop of Waiapu, and I am looking forward to continuing to journey with WASSTB and ACW as Chair of the Board.
We remain grateful for the voluntary time and energy that all of our Board members provide to WASSTB and look forward to continuing to work together to see the work, mission and ministry of ACW flourish.
Yours in Christ’s service,
The Right Reverend Andrew Hedge
Bishop of Waiapu
Chair of Waiapu Anglican Social Services Trust Board
