E te whanau a te Karaiti, greetings and peace to you in Christ.
I offer you my greetings and prayers for you all as you gather on this Palm Sunday and enter into the commemoration of Holy Week which lays ahead of us.
I’m writing to you all today to announce the resignation and retirement from full-time stipendiary ministry of your Vicar, The Rev’d Christine Scott.
Christine has faithfully attended to the office of Vicar of this parish over the past six years. Those six years have included the challenging times of assisting the parish to navigate through the pandemic. Christine worked with the parish to make adaptations to various styles of worship to enable the continued life of the parish through the intense lockdown periods of the pandemic. Christine was also able to bring her background as a pharmacist to assist us in the Diocese to refine the advice that we were able to distribute to parishes around effective methods of cleansing and disinfecting to keep one another safe.
Christine has made the decision that now is the right time for her to retire from full-time ministry and make a shift to Hawke’s Bay and settle into living in her home in Napier.
We are grateful for Christine’s diligent dedication to the mission and ministry of the Parish of Mount Maunganui and wish her well as she now begins to prepare to conclude ministry in the parish on Sunday 30 June 2024.
I will join the parish for a special service of liturgical farewell for Christine at 3pm on Sunday
30 June 2024 and I look forward to seeing you all then.
Over the coming months I will work with Archdeacon Nigel Dixon to make preparations for the interregnum and we will provide more information about that process to the Wardens and the parish in due course.
With assurance of my prayerful support,
The Right Reverend Andrew Hedge
Bishop of Waiapu
